Category Archives: Email

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Annual HV Garage Sale — Saturday, May 3rd

It’s that time of year once again! The Hidden Valley Garage Sale will take place on Saturday, May 3rd.  The advertised hours will 8 am – 4 pm, but as most of you know – there will be early shoppers.  This is a great opportunity to clean out the closets, basement, and garage.  Residents run their own sales, but no need to advertise individually.  We get great traffic through the neighborhood because of the history of the quantity and quality of the sales.  Happy selling!

Please visit the Garage Sale Details page for a quick list of some of the homes and the items for sale.

Reminder — Pictures with Santa — This Thursday

Reminder — The HVHA Board is hosting a neighborhood Christmas event — Pictures With Santa!  This Thursday, December 12th, Santa will be visiting the Weber Winter Wonderland (7135 Hidden Valley Trail) from 6 to 7:30 pm.  Hidden Valley residents and families of all ages are invited to come visit Santa.  We will have a photographer to help you take pictures, or take them for you (at no charge).  There will be refreshments, and who knows, maybe even some spontaneous caroling!  We’re asking everyone to please bring a donation for our local food shelf.  Please join us to share the joy of the season!

Lost Dog — Visiting Relatives

Visiting relatives of a Hidden Valley family lost their dog this morning.  Breezy, a female Pit/Ridgeback mix, bolted after an animal outside and has not returned.  Breezy is white with tan patches, and a black patch over one eye.  She is 3 years old, about 65 pounds, shy and wearing a collar.  If sighted please contact: Contact’s Name: (contacts Removed)

Pictures with Santa!

The HVHA Board is pleased to announce a neighborhood Christmas event — Pictures With Santa!  On Thursday, December 12th, Santa will be visiting the Weber Winter Wonderland (7135 Hidden Valley Trail) from 6 to 7:30 pm.  Hidden Valley residents and families of all ages are invited to come visit Santa.  We will have a photographer to help you take pictures, or take them for you (at no charge).  There will be refreshments, and who knows, maybe even some spontaneous caroling!  We’re asking everyone to please bring a donation for our local food shelf.  Please join us to share the joy of the season!

Lost cat

One of the Zako family cats got out on Halloween and they have not been able to find it.  It is a smaller Calico cat. If you see it, please contact:
(Contact Removed)

Thanks for your help!

Please Beware — Potenial Fox Poisoning

There may be poisoned foxes in the neighborhood.  A dish of meat and rat poison was found along the west end of the power line path.  Much of the meat had been eaten.

Please be especially observant for foxes.  If they are poisoned, their behavior may be unpredicable.  If you see one, and they appear to be sleeping, call the Cottage Grove Police and keep yourself and others away from them.

Animal sightings

We had a resident recently report a fox sighting in the neighborhood. We have had frequent foxes in the hood and while we never want to say it is of no concern there are certain animals that we expect to see. We have seen fewer over the last few years because of the continued building of homes. There are also hawks that will frequently nest in the hood. These wild animals, particularly the mammals, will roam at dusk and sunrise and sometimes through the night. It is good practice to be very aware of that if you have a small pet. While your pet would have to be quite small for a hawk or fox to bother with, coyotes are a bit more of a concern. While the board can communicate sightings to the homeowners, it may not always be immediate. If you feel there is a real threat you should contact the city or the DNR -here is the link Cottage Grove Animal Control

Phone: 763/227-9888 ~