Monthly Archives: January 2015

HVHA Directors Election Information

Pursuant to the by-laws of the Association the Board shall consist of 9 directors, Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting to a term of three years. Three Director positions shall be up for election each year.

At the annual meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 20th, the membership shall vote on three Directors to serve for three year terms. If more than three persons shall put their names forward for election, a secret ballot shall be held of the membership in attendance, one vote per household, with the top 3 vote getters being elected to the Board.

In addition to the three positions up for election, the Board currently has 3 open Director positions. Those person(s) not elected to a three year term may put forth their names for one of these three open positions. If more than 3 persons show interest, another separate ballot shall be held.

At the first regular meeting of the Board in 2015, the Board shall determine and assign the responsibilities of each Director elected. All efforts shall be made to assign responsibilities in accordance with individual interests. Election of officers among the Board will done at this time as well.

Those wishing to run for the Board should make their interest know either in advance (Contact Us), or may put forth their name from the floor at the annual meeting. Any information regarding Board interests, prior Board experience is helpful but not a requirement to run.

Thank you for your interest in serving on the Board

2015-Homeowners Meeting

Tuesday, January 20th 2015 – 7 pm
St. Lukes Church – 7000 Hinton Ave. S, CG

Agenda (partial)

  • “State of the Hood” open discussion
  • Election
  • Landscaping and LawnCare
  • ACC Report
  • Violations
  • Financial Report – Budget review/preview

Please plan on attending.
It’s your neighborhood!

View the postcard