2018 – 01 – 23 Annual Meeting



Call to Order:

  • Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President Brian Bluhm
  • Attendance:
    • Board members; Brian Bluhm, Dave Thiede, Rick Fryar, Chris Corporaal, Kelley Dawn, Dana Frey and Administrator – Carissa Erie
    • Resident attendance: Per visual count, ten residents attended the annual meeting.

Welcome (Brian):

  • Brian opened the meeting with general comments regarding the “state of the hood” and said that the Association needs Board Members and that the Association would like to start working on Social Events.

Website (Rick):

  • Rick discussed the usage of the website and stated that the majority of traffic comes from Google Chrome and mobile devices.  He said that about 50 residents view the website each month.
  • Rick notified the attendees that the website is now integrated with Facebook for Login and that there is now a HVHA Facebook group.
    • Events will be posted on this Facebook group.

Financial Report (Dave):

  • Dave presented the Financial Report. There is currently $41,000 in the association account; which includes a $7000 surplus.
  • Dave informed the attendees that the largest expense is maintenance on the islands and that the electricity bill for the monuments is also expensive.  He said we can lower that cost by moving to solar lighting and more efficient bulbs.
  • A question was asked about how many unpaid dues there are currently.  Dave informed the attendees that there are 8 unpaid dues.
  • Dave asked if there is anything new we would like to budget for; such as:
    • A summer picnic?
    • Pictures with Santa?
  • The association is not raising dues this year.

Landscaping, Mailboxes and Lawn Care (Brian)

  • Brian informed the meeting that three islands will be redone this spring.
  • The mailboxes need to be redone.
    • The association is working with the Postmaster on the mailboxes with surrounds.
    • It was noted that some residents are requesting locked mailboxes.  This may be controversial due to the large size of locked mailboxes that would have to be placed in some residents’ yards.

72nd Street Monument (Brian)

  • Brian gave the attendees an update on the 72nd St. Monument.  He stated that it will be redone with stone that matches the one off of Hardwood Avenue and with a similar theme.
  • The lighting will be switched to solar to save money.

ACC (Architectural Control Committee (Dana)

  • Dana told the attendees that changes to homes and landscaping requires ACC Requests.
  • The ACC has only received 18 ACC Requests, even though there have been more than 18 changes done in the neighborhood.
  • Dana and Kelley told the attendees the general purpose of submitting ACC Requests:
    • They keep the ACC informed, which in turn keeps neighbors informed and happy.

HVHA Homeowner Violations (Chris)

  • Chris informed the attendees that the main violations are trailers in driveways.  He said that once a resident is informed that they are in violation, they have 7-10 days to move the trailer.
  • Legal action on violations was discussed by the meeting.  Brian stated that the association has not taken legal action in a long time.
    • He also stated that the offender is responsible for all legal fees, not the association.

Neighborhood Events (Brian)

  • Brian discussed the fact that the association used to hold neighborhood events; such as a golf tournament.  The association would like to start that up again.  Some possible event ideas are:
    • An Easter Egg Hunt
    • A Neighborhood 5K
    • Resident Steve Weber offered to host a Santa Meet and Greet at his home.

Meeting was adjourned at 8pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Carissa Erie
